Saturday 10 October 2009

Hope can kill a thousand rays of sun when the thing that you hoped for the most died.
And that ray of light that was quietly growing inside you is extinguished in seconds.
No matter how much you disbelieve in something, No matter how much you lie to yourself,
There is ALWAYS one spec of dust of hope clinging to the back of your mind.
And that spec of dust of hope can still bring you down with enough force that you stumble over your words.
That i stumble over my words, over my feet, over my world.
That's slowly piecing itself together after that piece of an atom blew up in my face.

Hope is something that can build nothing into a huge something.
Hope is always associated with happiness and opportunities and optimism.
Hope is always associated with sadness, nothingness and pessimism.

My faith in hope has plummeted, its lucky that i believe in making my own luck isn't it ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my hope wont fade, no matter how much i tell it to it keeps nibbling away.

Im so stupid.
Love you xx

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